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3 Options for Whitening Your Teeth

August 8, 2024
3 Options for Whitening Your Teeth

Do you want a whiter smile? If you do, there are a few different ways to go about it. The best type of teeth whitening treatment for you depends on your needs, goals, and preferences. Learn about the 3 main teeth whitening options to help you choose what’s best for you. 

  1. Over the Counter Whitening Products. 

There are a wide variety of teeth whitening products you can buy at the store or online. These include: 

  • Whitening toothpaste. You can purchase toothpaste with a whitening agent, typically hydrogen peroxide and often baking soda for its abrasiveness to scrub away stains. 
  • Whitening mouthwash. Following the use of whitening toothpaste, whitening mouthwash can accelerate your results. 
  • Charcoal. There are a variety of charcoal products that can whiten your teeth, but the extreme abrasiveness can damage your enamel. Use with caution or not at all. 
  • Whitening strips. Clear plastic strips with a concentrated whitening agent can be applied to your teeth. These can be worn for varied amounts of time according to your whitening goals. 
  • Whitening wands. Whitening wands allow you to apply the whitening agent with a brush or soft tip. 
  1. Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening Treatment. 

Your dentist can provide you with at-home teeth whitening treatment that is stronger and more effective than over the counter products. A custom tray will be made for you to apply the whitening agent in a comfortable and even manner across all of your teeth. You can wear your trays for the amount of time you wish to achieve the shade of white you desire. Maximum results are typically reached in about 2 weeks. 

  1. Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment. 

The most effective teeth whitening treatment is applied by your dentist in a single in-office appointment. A gel or rubber shield is placed over your gums to prevent irritation while the whitening agent is applied. A special UV light is used to accelerate the whitening agent to give you the most effective, natural looking results. With in-office treatment you can achieve dramatically whiter teeth in just one treatment. 

Choosing the Best Whitening Option For You

The best option for whitening your teeth depends on your individual needs and preferences. If your goal is to get the best results in the shortest amount of time, in-office treatment would be best for you. If you would prefer to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, professional at-home treatment is more effective than over the counter products and provides faster results. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening 

Will teeth whitening treatment make my teeth sensitive? 

Professional teeth whitening treatments contain an active ingredient that is effective but gentle to protect your enamel and prevent sensitivity. At-home teeth whitening treatment is more gradual, which can be more comfortable for patients who are concerned about sensitivity. 

Am I a candidate for teeth whitening? 

To be eligible for teeth whitening your teeth need to be healthy. If you need any restorative procedures such as fillings, those will need to be taken care of first. Your dentist can evaluate your teeth and determine if you are a candidate for teeth whitening. 

Where To Go For Professional Teeth Whitening 

Hi-Fi Dental provides in-office and at-home teeth whitening treatments that are safe and effective. If you want a whiter smile that looks natural without damaging your teeth, professional treatment is the way to go. After a brief evaluation we can provide teeth whitening treatment that will help you achieve your smile goals. 

To learn more, call 602-242-5445 or contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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