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Why Dental Crowns Are Your Best Defense

October 10, 2024
Why Dental Crowns Are Your Best Defense

A broken tooth doesn’t always have to be extracted and replaced. It can often be restored with a dental crown. A tooth may fracture due to trauma or from years of teeth grinding. Depending on the severity of the break, patching the tooth may not be an option. But a crown provides a more secure restoration of the tooth that can last for many years. Learn more about dental crowns and why they are your best defense for repairing broken teeth. 

What is a Dental Crown? 

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cover that fits over an existing tooth. It can be made of porcelain, base metal alloy, gold alloy, or porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain resembles natural tooth enamel and is used for the majority of crown restorations. Metal crowns are stronger and may be used to restore molars that bear the brunt of the chewing force. Some choose metal alloys in order to achieve a specific look. 

Repairing a Broken Tooth with a Crown 

A broken tooth can often be restored with a crown as long as there is enough tooth material left to support it. In some cases the tooth needs to be reduced in size to make room for the crown to fit over it. Digital imaging allows for the creation of a custom crown that matches the color and size of the natural tooth and other remaining teeth. A crown is bonded to the tooth for a permanent restoration. In many cases the tooth will need a root canal before the crown is placed to ensure that the tooth is healthy. 

Benefits of Dental Crowns 

  • Secure support. A dental crown uses the natural root of your tooth for support, which provides a secure anchor for the crown. 
  • Natural appearance. A porcelain crown blends in with your existing teeth and offers a natural appearance that is undetectable to others. 
  • Restores chewing ability. You can chew effectively with a crown in place, allowing you to eat the foods you enjoy. 
  • Can last for 20-30 years. With excellent care and maintenance a crown can stay in place for 20-30 years. 
  • Costs less than replacing the tooth. Getting a dental crown placed over a broken tooth will cost you less than having the tooth extracted and replaced with either a bridge or a dental implant. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns  

What type of crown lasts the longest? 

A metal crown will typically last longer than a porcelain crown because it doesn’t wear down over time. It is less likely to become damaged or loosen from the support tooth due to the force of chewing. 

Can the support tooth become decayed under a crown? 

If the crown becomes loose, plaque can form under it that can lead to tooth decay. It is important to see your dentist regularly to have your crown checked and cleaned, and to contact your dentist right away if your crown feels loose.

Seek Immediate Treatment for a Broken Tooth

If you have a tooth that is broken or chipped, contact Hi-Fi Dental immediately. The sooner the tooth is treated, the greater the chance that it can be saved. You can also avoid any discomfort that may result from a damaged tooth.

Call 602-242-5445 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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